X-ray calibration of the ROSAT position sensitive proportional counter. II - The energy calibration
X-ray emission during the muonic cascade in hydrogen
X-ray emission from comets
X-ray emission lines from photoionized plasmas
X-ray energies of circular transitions and electrons screening in kaonic atoms
X-ray refractive index of laser-dressed atoms
X-ray spectral diagnostics of neon photoionization experiments on the Z-machine
X-ray Spectroscopy of Photoionized Plasmas
X-ray spectroscopy of the isolated neutron star 1E1207.4-5209: Atmospheric composition and equation of state
X-Ray Transitions from Antiprotonic Noble Gases
X-ray-Induced Ionization in the Winds of Near-Main-Sequence O and B Stars
X-rays and inner-shell transitions in the solar atmosphere
Xe 4d photoionization in Xe@C60, Xe@C240, and Xe@C60@C240
Xe II lines Stark broadening (Popovic+, 1996)
XUV frequency comb metrology on the ground state of helium
Young-type interference in projectile-electron loss in energetic ion-molecule collisions
Z-dependences of the atomic characteristics for selected 2l4l' states
Zeeman effect of the hyperfine structure levels in lithiumlike ions
Zeeman Relaxation of Cold Atomic Iron and Nickel in Collisions with 3He
Zemach and magnetic radius of the proton from the hyperfine splitting in hydrogen