Revisão da Construção de Modelos Supersimétricos
Revised version of the ILLSS Catalogue (Coluzzi 1993-1999)
Revisiting Bohr's quantization hypothesis for the atomic orbitals
Revivification of confinement resonances in the photoionization of $A$@C$_{60}$ endohedral atoms far above thresholds
RF spectroscopy in a resonant RF-dressed trap
RF-field-induced Feshbach resonances
RF-induced evaporative cooling and BEC in a high magnetic field
Rhenium-187 and the age of the galaxy
RhII oscillator strengths (Quinet+, 2012)
Right-unitary transformation theory and applications
Ro-vibrational analysis of the XUV photodissociation of HeH$^+$ ions
Robust Repetitive Controller for Fast AFM Imaging
Robust, High-speed, All-Optical Atomic Magnetometer
Rocket observation of the N II 2143 A emission in an aurora
Rogue decoherence in the formation of a macroscopic atom-molecule superposition
Role of Bose enhancement in photoassociation
Role of Molecular Dissociation in Feshbach-Interacting 85Rb Condensates
Role of negative-energy states and Breit interaction in calculation of atomic parity-nonconserving amplitudes
Role of the Mean-field in Bloch Oscillations of a Bose-Einstein Condensate in an Optical Lattice and Harmonic Trap
Rosseland mean opacities for variable compositions