Relaxation of Spin Polarized $^3$He in Mixtures of $^3$He and $^4$He Below the $^4$He Lambda Point
Relaxation of spins due to a magnetic field gradient, revisited; Identity of the Redfield and Torrey theories
Remarks on the tunneling limit of strong-field photoionization
Remarks on ``Adiabatic stabilization: Observation of the surviving population''
Remote frequency measurement of the 1S0-3P1 transition in laser cooled Mg-24
Renner-Teller effects in HCO+ dissociative recombination
Renormalization of QED in an external field
Reply to "Comment on 'Stimulated Raman adiabatic passage from an atomic to a molecular Bose-Einstein condensate'"
Reply to Comment by Holas and March
Reply to Comment on "Reappraisal of the Electric Dipole Moment Enhancement Factor for Thallium"
Reply to Comment on Approximation for a Coulomb- Volkov solution in strong fields
Reply to Lindgren and Salomonson
Reports of Workshop Working Groups - Introduction
Representation of a complex Green function on a real basis: I. General Theory
Repulsive long-range forces between anisotropic atoms and dielectrics
Repumping and spectroscopy of laser-cooled Sr atoms using the (5s5p)3P2 - (5s4d)3D2 transition
Residual Symmetries in the Spectrum of Periodically Driven Alkali Rydberg States
Resolved diffraction patterns from a reflection grating for atoms
Resolving all-order method convergence problems for atomic physics applications
Resonance enhanced isotope-selective photoionization of YbI for ion trap loading