Photoionization of ultracold and Bose-Einstein condensed Rb atoms
Photoionization of Xe 3d electrons in molecule Xe@C60: interplay of intra-doublet and confinement resonances
Photoionization Rates of Cs Rydberg Atoms in a 1064 nm Far Off-Resonance Trap
Photoionization Suppression by Continuum Coherence: Experiment and Theory
Photon angular distribution and nuclear-state alignment in nuclear excitation by electron capture
Photon echoes of molecular photoassociation
Photon trajectories in incoherent atomic radiation trapping as Levy flights
Photon-photon polarization correlations as a tool for studying parity non-conservation in heliumlike Uranium
Photonic Band Gaps in One-Dimensionally Ordered Cold Atomic Vapors
Photonic superdiffusive motion in resonance line radiation trapping - partial frequency redistribution effects
Photorecombination of berylliumlike Ti18+: Hyperfine quenching of dielectronic resonances
Physical conditions in the solar atmosphere above an active region
Pickoff and spin-conversion quenchings of ortho-positronium in oxygen
Planar Atom Trap and Magnetic Resonance 'Lens' Designs
Planar electric trap for neutral particles
Planetary nebulae. II
Planetary nebulae. III
Plans for laser spectroscopy of trapped cold hydrogen-like HCI
Plasma Astrophysics - Cosmology and the Growth of Cosmic Structure