Parity nonconservation in ytterbium ion
Parity violation in atomic ytterbium: experimental sensitivity and systematics
Parity Violation in Hydrogen and Longitudinal Atomic Beam Spin Echo I
Parity violation in two-photon J=0-to-1 transitions: Analysis of systematic errors
Partially coherent matter wave and its evolution
Particle cosmology comes of age
PASS-2: quantitative photometric measurements of the polychromatic laser guide star
Pathway of D$^{+}$ in Sequential Double Ionization of D$_2$ in an Intense Laser Pulse
Pathways to double ionization of atoms in strong fields
Peculiar Features of the Interaction Potential between Hydrogen and Antihydrogen at Intermediate Separations
Penn State Imaging X-ray Spectrometer
Penning collisions of laser-cooled metastable helium atoms
Penning traps as a versatile tool for precise experiments in fundamental physics
PENTATRAP: A novel cryogenic multi-Penning trap experiment for high-precision mass measurements on highly charged ions
Perfect linear correlations between 4He trimer and tetramer energies calculated with various realistic 4He potentials
Performance of a 229 Thorium solid-state nuclear clock
Performance of a prototype atomic clock based on lin||lin coherent population trapping resonances in Rb atomic vapor
Performance of the large-area detectors for the Burst and Transient Source Experiment (BATSE) on the Gamma Ray Observatory
Perspectives for coherent optical formation of strontium molecules in their electronic ground state
Perturbation Approach to the Self Energy of non-S Hydrogenic States