Pulsar timing and relativisitic gravity
Pulsars and Physics
Pulse shape discrimination for background rejection in germanium gamma-ray detectors
Pulse-Bandwidth Dependence of Coherent Phase Control of Resonance-Mediated (2+1) Three-Photon Absorption
Pulse-duration dependence of high-order harmonic generation with coherent superposition state
Pulsed Adiabatic Photoassociation via Scattering Resonances
Pulsed beams as field probes for precision measurement
Pulsed pumping of a Bose-Einstein condensate
Pump induced Autler-Townes effect and A-T mixing in a four level atoms
Pump-probe measurement of atomic parity violation in caesium with a precision of 2.6%
Pure bound field theory and structure of atomic energy levels
Pure spin-angular momentum coefficients for non-scalar one-particle operators in jj-coupling
Purely-long-range bound states of He$(2s ^3S)+$He$(2p ^3P)$
Puzzle of the constancy of fundamental constants
Pyramidal Atoms: Berylliumlike Hollow States
Pyramidal micro-mirrors for microsystems and atom chips