Production of high energy particles in laser and Coulomb fields and e^+e^- antenna
Production of long-lived atomic vapor inside high-density buffer gas
Production of Sodium Bose--Einstein condensates in an optical dimple trap
Production of Ultracold, Polar RbCs* Molecules via Photoassociation
Program to calculate pure angular momentum coefficients in jj-coupling
Programmable trap geometries with superconducting atom chips
Progress at LAMPF
Progress in Atomic Fountains at LNE-SYRTE
Progress in kinetic inductance thermometers for X-ray calorimeters
Progress on indium and barium single ion optical frequency standards
Progress toward a first observation of parity violation in chiral molecules by high-resolution laser spectroscopy
Progress towards fabrication of Th:229-doped high energy band-gap crystals for use as a solid-state optical frequency reference
Properties from relativistic coupled-cluster without truncation: hyperfine constants of $^{25}{\rm Mg}^+$, $^{43}{\rm Ca}^+ $, $^{87}{\rm Sr}^+ $ and $^{137}{\rm Ba}^+$
Properties of Fr-like Th3+ from spectroscopy of high-L Rydberg levels of Th2+
Properties of metastable alkaline-earth-metal atoms calculated using an accurate effective core potential
Properties of Microelectromagnet Mirrors as Reflectors of Cold Rb Atoms
Properties of quasi-one-dimensional molecules with Feshbach resonance interaction
Properties of the triplet metastable states of the alkaline-earth atoms
Proposal for a sensitive search for electric dipole moment of electron with matrix-isolated radicals
Proposal for high-precision Atomic Parity Violation measurements using amplification of the asymmetry by stimulated emission in a transverse E and B field pump-probe experiment