Exact exchange potential evaluated solely from occupied Kohn-Sham and Hartree-Fock solutions
Exact field ionization rates in the barrier suppression-regime from numerical TDSE calculations
Exact Keldysh theory of strong-field ionization: residue method vs saddle-point approximation
Exact Kohn-Sham versus Hartree-Fock in momentum-space: examples of two-fermion systems
Exact Nondipole Kramers-Henneberger Form of the Light-Atom Hamiltonian: An Application to Atomic Stabilization and Photoelectron Energy Spectra
Exact phase shifts for atom interferometry
Exact Results for Ionization of Model Atomic Systems
Exact results for the Wigner transform phase space densities of a two-dimensional harmonically confined charged quantum gas subjected to a magnetic field
Exact solution of the Zeeman effect in single-electron systems
Exact solution to the Schrödinger equation for the quantum rigid body
Exact solutions to the Dirac equation for a Coulomb potential in $D+1$ dimensions
Exact zero-energy solution for a new family of Anharmonic Potentials
Exchange and correlation energies of ground states of atoms and molecules in strong magnetic fields
Excitation and photoionization processes involving the bound $ns$ electrons
Excitation and quenching of the oxygen bands in the nightglow
Excitation energies and transition probabilities for the forbidden transitions of helium-like ions
Excitation energies, hyperfine constants, E1, E2, M1 transition rates, and lifetimes of (6s2)nl states in Tl I and Pb II
Excitation energies, oscillator strengths, and lifetimes of levels along the gold isoelectronic sequence
Excitation energies, polarizabilities, multipole transition rates, and lifetimes in Th IV
Excitation energies, polarizabilities, multipole transition rates, and lifetimes of ions along the francium isoelectronic sequence