Correlation energies beyond the random-phase approximation: ISTLS applied to spherical atoms and ions
Correlation energy of intrashell doubly excited states of heliumlike atoms
Correlation potential and ladder diagrams
Correlation structure in nondipole photoionization
Correlations in Many Electron Systems: Theory and Applications
Correlations of Rydberg excitations in an ultra-cold gas after an echo sequence
Cosmological Hydrogen Recombination: The Effects of Extremely High-n Transitions and Forbidden Hydrogen Transitions
Cosmological Recombination: The Effect of High-n States
Coulomb and spin-orbit interaction matrix elements in d^2d' configuration
Coulomb Energy Averaged over the $n\ell^N$-Atomic States with a Definite Spin
Coulomb focusing at above-threshold ionization in elliptically polarized mid-infrared strong laser fields
Coulomb glory effect in collisions of antiprotons with heavy nuclei: relativistic theory
Coulomb glory in low-energy antiproton scattering by heavy nucleus: screening effect of vacuum polarization
Coulomb repulsion and quantum-classical correspondence in laser-induced nonsequential double ionization
Coulomb-Volkov approach of ionization by extreme ultraviolet laser pulses in the subfemtosecond regime
Counterintuitive transitions in multistate curve crossing involving linear potentials
Counting individual 41Ca atoms with a magneto-optical trap
Coupled atomic-molecular condensates in a double-well potential: decaying molecular oscillations
Coupled dynamics of atoms and radiation pressure driven interferometers
Coupled Electron Pair Approximation Calculation of the Electric Dipole Moment of Atomic Yb