New characterizations of the Letac-Mora class of real cubic natural exponential families
New Classes of Infinitely Divisible Distributions Related to the Goldie-Steutel-Bondesson Class
New coins from old, smoothly
New coins from old: computing with unknown bias
New Common Proper-Motion Pairs from the IPHAS-POSS-I Survey
New Concentration Inequalities for Suprema of Empirical Processes
New Criteria for Geoeffective CMEs
New Dirichlet Mean Identities
New estimates of the convergence rate in the Lyapunov theorem
New explicit examples of fixed points of Poisson shot noise transforms
New Improvements in Modeling Comets with Optically Thick Comae
New Improvements in Modeling Comets with Optically Thick Comae
New Insights Gained From the Study of the PDF of Small Scale IMF Fluctuations
New Insights into Pulsar Nulling
New interplanetary proton fluence model
New limit theorems related to free multiplicative convolution
New Lunar Crater
New methodology for assessing the probability of contaminating Mars
New Methods for Identifying Nearby Gravitational Lenses in All-Sky Surveys
New Molecular Observations and Modelling of the Cloverleaf Quasar