A $d$-dimensional Brownian motion as a weak limit from a one-dimensional Poisson process
A $W^1_2$-theory of Stochastic Partial Differential Systems of Divergence type on $C^1$ domains
A $W^n_2$-Theory of Stochastic Parabolic Partial Differential Systems on $C^1$-domains
A 0-1 law for vertex-reinforced random walks on $\mathbb{Z}$ with weight of order $k^α$, $α<1/2$
A 12.6-ms pulsar in Cygnus X-3
A 153 day periodicity in the occurrence of solar flares producing energetic interplanetary electrons
A 160 day Period in the Be star X-ray Binary IGR J01363+6610 from Swift BAT Observations
A approximately 10 MPC void in the Ly-alpha forest at Z = 3.17
A balanced excited random walk
A Bayesian approach to determining and parametrizing earthquake focal mechanisms
A Bayesian Approach To Multi-Sensor Track Correlation
A Bayesian Approach to Systematic Error Correction in Kepler Photometric Time Series
A Bayesian framework for infrasound location
A Bayesian partition modelling approach to resolve spatial variability in climate records from borehole temperature inversion
A Bayesian revolution in spectral analysis
A Bayesian search for binaries in Hipparcos (Shaya+, 2011)
A beaming model of the Io-independent Jovian decameter radiation based on multipole models of the Jovian magnetic field
A beaming model of the Io-independent Jovian decameter radiation based on multipole models of the Jovian magnetic field
A Bernstein type inequality and moderate deviations for weakly dependent sequences
A Berry Esseen Theorem for the Lightbulb Process