P and S tomography using normal-mode and surface waves data with a neighbourhood algorithm
p-integrable solutions to multidimensional BSDEs and degenerate systems of PDEs with logarithmic nonlinearities
p-variation of strong Markov processes
Packets in the Classical Asymmetric Infinite Square Well
Packing and Hausdorff measures of stable trees
Packing Dimension Profiles and Levy Processes
Padé approximants and exact two-locus sampling distributions
Painleve formulas of the limiting distributions for non-null complex sample covariance matrices
Painlevé Functions in Statistical Physics
Painting a Graph with Competing Random Walks
Pair creation and decay of a massive particle near and far away from a cosmic string
Pair production in a rotating strong magnetic field
Pairing in the Incidence of Shower Meteors
Palaeomagnetism of Mesozoic igneous rocks from the Maranha~o Basin, Brazil, and the time of opening of the South Atlantic
Paleomagnetic results from Permian rocks of the northern Saharan craton and motions of the Moroccan Meseta and Pangea
Paleomagnetism in the Tajikistan: continental shortening of European margin in the Pamirs during Indian Eurasian collision
Palindromic random trigonometric polynomials
Palm distributions of wave characteristics in encountering seas
Palm pairs and the general mass-transport principle
Palomar Spectroscopy of 2001 FM129, 2004 FG11, and 2005 YU55.