Wait-and-see strategies in polling models
Waiting for a bat to fly by (in polynomial time)
Waiting for regulatory sequences to appear
Waiting-Time Distribution and Angular Correlation Function of Solar X-ray Flares
Waiting-time distributions of solar eruptions and the evidence for sympathetic flares
Wasserstein decay of one dimensional jump-diffusions
Wasserstein distance on configuration space
Water detection on atmosphereless celestial bodies: Alternative explanations of the observations
Water in the terrestrial planets and the moon
Water masers towards 1.2 mm dust clumps
Wave function of the universe in the superstring theory.
Wave function with second order correction and inflationary solutions in quantum cosmology.
Wave packet simulations of escape and capture probabilities in multiquantum-well infrared detectors
Wave Propagation in Shallow-Water Acoustic Random Waveguides
Wave-front analyzer using a maximum likelihood algorithm
Wave-front tilt power spectral density from the image motion of solar pores
Wavelengths and Relative A-Coefficients for the Forbidden Lines of Atomic Sulphur
Wavelet analysis of the multivariate fractional Brownian motion
Wavelet-based filtering of intermittent events from geomagnetic time-series
Weak and almost sure limits for the parabolic Anderson model with heavy tailed potentials