H I in early-type galaxies. I - Observations
H II regions and star formation in the Magellanic Clouds
H"older index at a given point for density states of super-alpha-stable motion of index 1+beta
H2 Sticking Coefficients On Interstellar Grains
H2O heating in molecular clouds - Line transfer and thermal balance in a warm dusty medium
H2O maser emission from irregular variables (Szymczak+ 1997)
Hadamard functions of inverse M-Matrices
Hadronic photoabsorption and pair production in pulsars
Halo model for intermediate-redshift quasar absorption systems
Hamilton Cycles in Random Geometric Graphs
Hamilton Jacobi Bellman equations in infinite dimensions with quadratic and superquadratic Hamiltonian
Hamilton Jacobi equations on metric spaces and transport-entropy inequalities
Hammersley's process with sources and sinks
Hard binary-single star scattering cross sections for equal masses
Hard Core entropy: lower bounds
Hard edge tail asymptotics
Hard rods: statistics of parking configurations
Hard X-ray Bursts by INTEGRAL in 2003-2004 (Chelovekov+, 2006)
Hard X-Ray Solar Flare Polarimetry with RHESSI
Hard-core thinnings of germ-grain models with power-law grain sizes