X-Ray Bursts from Anomalous X-Ray Pulsars
X-ray diagnostics with full radiative transfer (ALI method)
X-ray emission around radio galaxies in non-Abell clusters - A possible physical link between environment and nonthermal radio emission
X-ray Emission from Normal Elliptical Galaxies
X-Ray Heated Disks in Compact Binary Systems
X-Ray Ionization Effects on the Stellar Wind of Cygnus X-1
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic studies of the heterogeneous reaction of gaseous nitric acid with sodium chloride: Kinetics and contribution to the chemistry of the marine troposphere
X-ray source counts and the X-ray background from UHURU
X-ray sources and planetary nebulae
X-ray Stacking for the Analysis of Faint Sources: A Bayesian Alternative
XBootes Chandra Shallow Survey of the Bootes Region
XMM-Newton Proposal 02015006
XMM-Newton Proposal 03042203
XMM-Newton survey of SA 57 (Trevese+, 2007)
XTE J1739-302