Method for investigating the structure of observed groups of objects of the Galaxy and Metagalaxy
Method of fluctuations in meteor astronomy problems
Method of Martian-rock identification with the use of data from equipment on Mars-94 and Mars-96.
Method of Moments Estimation of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Processes Driven by General Lévy Process
Methods for Estimating the Probability of Clear Lines-of-Sight, or Sunshine, through the Atmosphere.
Methods of detection and estimation errors in ST radar studies
Metric and Mixing Sufficient Conditions for Concentration of Measure
Metric Construction, Stopping Times and Path Coupling
Metric on state space of Markov chain
Metropolis algorithm and equienergy sampling for two mean field spin systems
MHD Simulations of Turbulence in the Plasma Sheet
Microbial ecological perspectives of space-exposed microbes: A genetic approach
Microburst of TeV gamma rays from the Crab pulsar
Microelectronics effects as seen on CRRES
Microkelvin Variations in the Blackbody Radiation of Our Vacuum Space Region to Distinguish Radiation of Stars and Galaxies from that of Remote Regions of Vacuum Space.
Microlensing events of the LMC are better explained by stars in the LMC than by MACHOs
Microlensing, Mesolensing, and Wide Field Monitoring
Microscale Physics at Earth's Bow Shock: Cluster Observations of Electrostatic Solitary Waves
Microscopic calculations of stellar weak interaction rates and energy losses for fp- and fpg-shell nuclei
Microscopic concavity and fluctuation bounds in a class of deposition processes