What is the Inverse of Repeated Square and Multiply Algorithm?
When almost all sets are difference dominated
When are two Dedekind sums equal?
When is Galois cohomology free or trivial?
Where the Slopes Are
Which Partial Sums of the Taylor Series for $e$ are Convergents to $e$? (and a Link to the Primes 2, 5, 13, 37, 463), II
Which quaternion algebras act on a modular abelian variety?
Whittaker functions on orthogonal groups of odd degree
Why everyone should know number theory
Why is the Class Number of $\Q(\sqrt[3]{11})$ even?
Wild and Wooley Numbers
Wild cyclic-by-tame extensions
Wild division algebras over Laurent series fields
Wilson's theorem
Wilson's Theorem for Finite Fields
Wintenberger's Functor for Abelian Extensions
Witt's Cancellation theorem seen as a cancellation
Witten multiple zeta values attached to sl(4)
Witten volume formulas for semi-simple Lie algebras
Wolstenholme's theorem: Its Generalizations and Extensions in the last hundred and fifty years (1862--2012)