How to obtain the continued fraction convergents of the number $e$ by neglecting integrals
How to Solve a Diophantine Equation
How to split Dyson's transference inequality with the help of Wolfgang Schmidt's parametric geometry of numbers
How to use the Fast Fourier Transform in Large Finite Fields
Hua Loo Keng's Problem Involving Primes of a Special Type
Hurwitz - Bernoulli Numbers, Formal Groups and the L - Functions of Elliptic Curves
Hurwitz monodromy, spin separation and higher levels of a modular tower
Hybrid bounds for automorphic forms on ellipsoids over number fields
Hybrid moments of the Riemann zeta-function
Hyper-atoms and the critical pair Theory
Hyper-atoms and the Kemperman's critical pair Theory
Hyper-atoms applied to the critical pair Theory
Hyperbolic distribution problems on Siegel 3-folds and Hilbert modular varieties
Hyperbolic lattice-point counting and modular symbols
Hyperbolic period of the nonholomorphic Eisenstein series
Hyperbolic tessellations associated to Bianchi groups
Hyperbolic-sine analogues of Eisenstein series, generalized Hurwitz numbers, and $q$-zeta functions
Hyperdifferential properties of Drinfeld quasi-modular forms
Hyperelliptic curves and their invariants: geometric, arithmetic and algorithmic aspects
Hyperelliptic Curves with Prescribed $p$-Torsion