Hilbert's Tenth Problem for algebraic function fields of characteristic 2
Hilbert's Tenth Problem for function fields of characteristic zero
Hilbert's Tenth Problem for function fields of varieties over C
Hilbert's Tenth Problem for function fields of varieties over number fields and p-adic fields
Hilbert's Tenth Problem for function fields over valued fields in characteristic zero
Hilbertian fields and Galois representations
Hodge type theorems for arithmetic manifolds associated to orthogonal groups
Hodge-Stickelberger polygons for L-functions of exponential sums of P(x^s)
Holes in the Infrastructure of Global Hyperelliptic Function Fields
Holomorphic almost modular forms
Holomorphic Eisenstein series with Jacobian twists
Homological characterisation of Lambda-ranks
Homological stability for Hurwitz spaces and the Cohen-Lenstra conjecture over function fields
Homomorphisms of abelian varieties
Homomorphisms of abelian varieties over geometric fields of finite characteristic
Homomorphisms of hyperelliptic jacobians
Homotopy sections and rational points on algebraic varieties
Hook lengths and 3-cores
Horocyclic Orbits on $Γ(1)\frontslash\mathcal{H}$, \ Closed and Otherwise
How to facet a gemstone: from potential modularity to the proof of Serre's modularity conjecture