Higher regularizations for zeros of cuspidal automorphic L-functions of GL_d
Higher regulators, periods and special values of the degree four L-function of GSp(4)
Higher Residue Symbol
Higher Selberg zeta functions for congruence subgroups
Higher Weight Heegner Points
Higher-dimensional Dedekind sums and their bounds arising from the discrete diagonal of the n-cube
Higher-level canonical subgroups for p-divisible groups
Higher-order Carmichael numbers
Higher-order Fourier analysis of $\mathbb{F}_p^n$ and the complexity of systems of linear forms
Hilbert 2-Class Fields and 2-Descent
Hilbert 90 for biquadratic extensions
Hilbert 90 for Galois cohomology
Hilbert Irreducibility above algberaic groups
Hilbert modular forms and p-adic Hodge theory
Hilbert modular forms and their applications
Hilbert modular forms of weight 1/2 and theta functions
Hilbert modular forms with prescribed ramification
Hilbert modular forms: mod $p$ and $p$-adic aspects
Hilbert's irreducibility theorem and the larger sieve
Hilbert's Tenth Problem and Mazur's Conjecture for large subrings of Q