Higher Descent on Pell Conics II. Two Centuries of Missed Opportunities
Higher Descent on Pell Conics III. The First 2-Descent
Higher dimensional 3-adic CM construction
Higher dimensional analogues of Châtelet surfaces
Higher exponential maps and explicit reciprocity laws I
Higher Green's functions for modular forms
Higher Heegner points on elliptic curves over function fields
Higher Mahler measure for cyclotomic polynomials and Lehmer's question
Higher Mahler measures and zeta functions
Higher moments of primes in short intervals I
Higher moments of primes in short intervals II
Higher moments of the error term in the divisor problem
Higher Newton polygons and integral bases
Higher Newton polygons in the computation of discriminants and prime ideal decomposition in number fields
Higher order cohomology of arithmetic groups
Higher order invariants in the case of compact quotients
Higher order Maass forms
Higher order modular forms and mixed Hodge theory
Higher Order SPT-Functions
Higher rank case of Dwork's conjecture