Bounding sup-norms of cusp forms of large level
Bounding the Degree of Belyi Polynomials
Bounding the rational sums of squares over totally real fields
Bounding the torsion in CM elliptic curves
Bounding |ζ(1/2 + it)| on the Riemann hypothesis
Bounds for $GL(3)\times GL(2)$ $L$-functions and GL(3) $L$-functions
Bounds for coefficients of cusp forms and extremal lattices
Bounds for Completely Decomposable Jacobians
Bounds for multiplicities of automorphic forms of cohomological type on GL_2
Bounds for Multiplicities of Unitary Representations of Cohomological Type in Spaces of Cusp Forms
Bounds for Odd $k$-Perfect Numbers
Bounds for Serre's open image theorem
Bounds for Siegel Modular Forms of genus 2 modulo $p$
Bounds for the 3x+1 Problem using Difference Inequalities
Bounds for the Cubic Weyl Sum
Bounds for the size of sets with the property D(n)
Bounds for the Solutions of Cubic Diophantine Equations
Bounds for torsion on abelian varieties with integral moduli
Bounds for twisted symmetric square $L$-functions
Bounds of ideal class numbers of real quadratic function fields