Binary linear forms over finite sets of integers
Binary normal regular Hermitian lattices over imaginary quadratic fields
Binary Quadratic Forms and Counterexamples to Hasse's Local-Global Principle
Binary quadratic forms that represent almost the same primes
Binary quartic forms having bounded invariants, and the boundedness of the average rank of elliptic curves
Binomial coefficient-harmonic sum identities associated to supercongruences
Binomial Coefficients and Quadratic Fields
Binomial Coefficients and the Distribution of the Primes
Binomial coefficients and the ring of p-adic integers
Binomial coefficients, Catalan numbers and Lucas quotients
Binomial predictors
Binomial Squares in Pure Cubic Number Fields
Bipartite Euler systems
Biquadrates and Elliptic Curves
Biranks for Partitions into 2 Colors
Birational smooth minimal models have equal Hodge numbers in all dimensions
Birch's theorem in function fields
Bit retrieval: intractability and application to digital watermarking
Bivariate identities for values of the Hurwitz zeta function and supercongruences