Bases invariantes de friabilité
Bases of minimal vectors in lattices, III
Basic analytic number theory
Belian categories
Belyi parametrisations of elliptic curves and congruence defects
Belyi-extending maps and the Galois action on dessins d'enfants
Benford's Law For Coefficients of Modular Forms and Partition Functions
Benford's law for the $3x+1$ function
Benford's Law, Values of L-functions and the 3x+1 Problem
Bernoulli Number Identities from Quantum Field Theory
Bernoulli Numbers, Wolstenholme's Theorem, and p^5 Variations of Lucas' Theorem
Bernoulli Operator and Riemann's Zeta Function
Bernoulli--Dedekind Sums
Bernstein polynomials on Simplex
Bertini theorem for normality on local rings in mixed characteristic (applications to characteristic ideals)
Bessel models for $GSp(4)$
Bessel models for lowest weight representations of GSp(4,R)
Best Simultaneous Diophantine Approximations under a Constraint on the Denominator
Beta Expansions for Regular Pisot Numbers
Beta-conjugates of real algebraic numbers as Puiseux expansions