A Computational Study of the Asymptotic Behaviour of Coefficient Fields of Modular Forms
A congruence property of the local Langlands correspondence
A conjecture about numerators of Bernoulli numbers related to Integer Sequence A092291
A conjecture for the sixth power moment of the Riemann zeta-function
A conjecture of Yves Andre
A Conjecture on Primes and a Step towards Justification
A conjecture on rational approximations to rational points
A Conjecture on the Collatz-Kakutani Path Length for the Mersenne Primes
A conjecture on the torsion points of elliptic curves with the complex multiplication
A conjecture which implies that there is an algorithm which to each Diophantine equation assigns an integer which is greater than the heights of integer (non-negative integer, rational) solutions, if these solutions form a finite set
A conjecture-generalization of Sondow's formula
A connection between covers of the integers and unit fractions
A consequence of Littlewood's conditional estimates for the Riemann zeta-function and a way to check the Riemann hypothesis
A construction of polynomials with squarefree discriminants
A control theorem for the images of Galois actions on certain infinite families of modular forms
A converse theorem for $Γ_0(13)$
A converse to Halasz's theorem
A converse to Mazur's inequality for split classical groups
A Cosine Integral Series Representation of the Euler-Mascheroni Constant
A counter example to Malle's conjecture on the asymptotics of discriminants