Variation in observed coronal calcium abundance of X-ray flare plasmas
Variation in seismicity under influence of lunar-solar tidal deformations
Variation in stable carbon isotopes in organic matter from the Gunflint Iron Formation
Variation in Star Formation Rate from Galaxy Cluster Center for cl1037
Variation in Sulfur and Oxygen Fugacity Associated with Pge-Sulfide Mineralization, Stillwater Complex
Variation in the E layer during geomagnetic disturbances
Variation in time of the parameters of a disturbed region produced in the atmosphere by a pulsed source of ultraviolet radiation
Variation of aeronomic parameters during the period from the equinox to summer
Variation of arsenic diffusion coefficients in HgCdTe alloys with temperature and hg pressure: Tuning of p on n double layer heterojunction diode properties
Variation of Atmospheric Biogenic Emissions in a coupled Radiative-Photochemical Model
Variation of chemical composition in Australasian tektites from different localities in Vietnam
Variation of electron density along magnetospheric field lines as determined from POLAR spacecraft plasma wave observations
Variation of Embedding Dimension as one of the Chaotic Characteristics of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity Indices
Variation of Evening Zenith Sky Twilight Brightness and Colour at Abu-Simbel during Spring
Variation of F-region critical frequency (foF2) over equatorial and low-latitude region of the Indian zone during 19th and 20th solar cycle
Variation of fast charged particles in event of 22 November 1977 based on Cosmos-900 satellite data
Variation of Field Penetration with Temperature in a Superconductor
Variation of grain properties at the dust outbursts
Variation of ionospheric total electron content at crest of equatorial anomaly in China from 1997 to 2004
Variation of low-order acoustic solar oscillations over the solar cycle