8 m borosilicate honeycomb mirrors.
8-cm radioheliograph
8-m UV/visible/IR space telescope
8-Valent Fuzzy Logic for Iris Recognition and Biometry
80-kelvin automated wafer testing of a 64x64-pixel-readout integratedcircuit
80-Mbit/s radiation-tolerant optical receiver for the CMS digital optical link
80-Myr history of buoyancy and volcanic fluxes along the trails of the Walvis and St. Helena hotspots (South Atlantic)
81Kr Radiation Ages of Stone Meteorites
81Kr-Kr age and multiple cosmic-ray exposure history of the Vaca Muerta mesosiderite
84Sr Anomalies in Carbonaceous Chondrites
8500-8750Å high resolution spectroscopy. II. (Munari+, 2000)
8500-8750Å high resolution spectroscopy. III. (Munari+, 2001)
86 GHz aperture synthesis observations of the Galactic center
86GHz VLBI survey of compact radio sources (Lobanov+ 2000)
87 Sr/ 86 Sr composition of seawater during the Phanerozoic
87 Sr/ 86 Sr in Late Proterozoic carbonates: evidence for a "mantle" event at ~900 Ma ago
87Rb/87Sr study of diogenites
87Sr/86Sr and Sr/Ca in speleothems for paleoclimate reconstruction in Central China between 70 and 280 kyr ago
87Sr/86Sr ratios for basalt from Loihi Seamount, Hawaii
87Sr/86Sr ratios in Permo-Carboniferous sea water from the analyses of well-preserved brachiopod shells