K / Rb ratios in Precambrian granulite terranes
K / Rb ratios of rocks from island arcs
K and Rb relations in basalts and other mantle derived materials. Is phlogopite the key?
K Factor Adjustment Test
k+a galaxies and the starburst - AGN connection
K, Rb and Sr abundances and Sr isotopic composition of the Tanzawa granitic and associated gabbroic rocks, Japan: low-potash island arc plutonic complex
K---Ar age values in pelagic sediments of the North Atlantic
K-alpha X-rays from cosmic ray oxygen
K-ANMI: A Mutual Information Based Clustering Algorithm for Categorical Data
K-Ar ages of Lafayette weather products - Evidence for near-surface liquid water on Mars in the last few hundred million years
K-Ar data for the age and evolution of Gettysburg Bank, North Atlantic Ocean
K-Ar dating of some infra-ophiolitic metamorphic soles from the eastern Mediterranean: New evidence for oceanic thrustings before obduction
K-Ar isochron dating of Zaire cubic diamonds
K-Ar-Altersbestimmungen an Eisenmeteoriten--I Die Isotopenzusammensetzung des primären Kaliums
k-Automatic sets of rational numbers
K-band spectral catalog of Quintuplet cluster (Liermann+, 2009)
K-Ca and Rb-Sr dating of two lunar granites: Relative chronometer resetting
K-Ca chronology of lunar granites
k-Capture in Multiagent Pursuit Evasion, or the Lion and the Hyenas
k-Color Multi-Robot Motion Planning