D to H ratio and the origin and evolution of Titan's atmosphere
D$^2$-Tree: A New Overlay with Deterministic Bounds
D-branes from classical macroscopic strings
D-CIXS An X-Ray spectrometer on ESA's SMART-1 mission to the Moon
D-iteration based asynchronous distributed computation
D-iteration: application to differential equations
D-iteration: Evaluation of a Dynamic Partition Strategy
D-iteration: evaluation of the update algorithm
D-MG Tradeoff and Optimal Codes for a Class of AF and DF Cooperative Communication Protocols
D-MG Tradeoff of DF and AF Relaying Protocols over Asynchronous PAM Cooperative Networks
D-optimal Bayesian Interrogation for Parameter and Noise Identification of Recurrent Neural Networks
D-region electron densities obtained by differential absorption and phase measurements with a 3-MHz-Doppler radar
D-region observations of polar cap absorption events during the EISCAT operation in 1981-1989
D-region positive and negative ion concentration and mobilities during the February 1979 eclipse
D-region processes at equatorial latitudes
D-region recombination coefficients and the short wavelength X-ray flux during a solar flare
D-Tree Grammars
D/H and O-18/O-16 ratio in the hydronium ion and in neutral water from in situ ion measurements in comet Halley
D/H in Lyman Limit absorbers with simple velocity structure
D/H Ratio Ion Probe Measurements on Magmatic Minerals from Martian Meteorites: Implications for Degassing of the Martian Mantle