A seminumerical procedure for the calculation of geostationary orbit perturbations caused by the sun and the moon
A seminumerical procedure for the calculation of geostationary orbit perturbations caused by the Sun and the Moon
A sensitivity study of the effects of solar luminosity changes on the earth's global temperature
A simple computational method for internal polarized radiation fields of finite slab atmospheres
A simplified method for calculation of radiative energy loss due to spectral lines
A Simulation to Study Speed Distributions in a Solar Plasma
A Simulation to Study Speed Distributions in a Solar Plasma
A Sparse Bayesian Estimation Framework for Conditioning Prior Geologic Models to Nonlinear Flow Measurements
A specific case of stability of cylindrical precession of a satellite
A spectrum synthesis program for binary stars
A stabilized finite element formulation for advection-diffusion using the generalized finite element framework
A stabilized finite element formulation of non-smooth contact
A stabilized mixed formulation for unsteady Brinkman equation based on the method of horizontal lines
A Stable Explicit Scheme for Solving Inhomogeneous Constant Coefficients Differential Equation using Green's Function
A Stable Explicit Scheme for Solving Non-Homogeneous Constant Coefficients Equation using Green's Function
A study of the physical mechanisms for filament eruption and coronal mass ejection via numerical simulation
A study of W UMa-type eclipsing binaries by the method of light curve synthesis - Application to V 566 OPH and AB And
A sufficient condition for global invertibility of Lipschitz mapping
A survey of trigonometric parallaxes and proper motions with the UK Schmidt telescope. I - Methods and first results, for stars brighter than B = 14 in a field near the South Galactic Pole
A systematic comparison of four methods to derive stellar space densities