Spectral information from gapped data. A comparison of technique
Spectral lines unaffected by instrumental polarization. 1: Theory
Spectral-temporal analysis of whistlers by digital methods
Spherical Accretion in Nearby Weakly Active Galactic Nuclei
Spherical accretion on to compact X-ray sources with preheating - No thermal limit for the luminosity
Spherical accretion onto black holes - A complete analysis of stationary solutions
Spherical harmonic analysis of geomagnetic tides, 1964-1965
Spherically-symmetric static space-times with minimally coupled scalar field
Spline Spectral Method
Splitting schemes for hyperbolic heat conduction equation
Stability analysis of the split-step Fourier method on the background of a soliton of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation
Stability of an anisotropic plasma jet
Stability of plane oscillations and rotations of a satellite on a circular orbit
Stability of plane oscillations and rotations of a satellite on a circular orbit
Stability of slim, transonic accretion disk models
Stability of the periodic motion of a satellite about a triangular libration point in a restricted elliptical three-body problem
Stability regions around L4 in the elliptic restricted problem
Star cluster evolution with primordial binaries. 3: Effect of the Galactic tidal field
Star clusters containing massive, central black holes - Monte Carlo simulations in two-dimensional phase space
Star formation by the accumulation of subcondensations