Principal moments of inertia and secular Love number of PHOBOS
Principles of Invariance in Radiative Transfer
Problem of diffusional distribution of cosmogenic radiocarbon in a dynamic reservoir
Problem of gas motion in tubes of variable cross section and its application to solar wind disturbances
Problems and solutions in numerical relativity
Problems connected with the tangential metric coefficient in the Schwarzschild metric - A possible solution
Proceedings of the Nordic-Baltic Graduate Student Meeting on Extragalactic Astronomy
Processing of radar measurements of Mars from the Earth in 1971
Production of heavy elements in inhomogeneous cosmologies
Programmed analytic theory of the motion of artificial satellites under the gravitational influence of the earth
Progress in the analytical theories for the orbital motion of the moon
Propagation by Selective Initialization and Its Application to Numerical Constraint Satisfaction Problems
Propagation of electromagnetic waves parallel to the magnetic field in the nightside Venus ionosphere
Properties of polynomial bases used in a line-surface intersection algorithm
Properties of the first-order moments of the polarization profiles of hydrogen lines.
Protostellar formation in rotating interstellar clouds. II - Axially symmetric collapse
Protostellar hydrodynamics: Constructing and testing a spacially and temporally second-order accurate method. 2: Cartesian coordinates
Pseudo-spectral technique applied to numerical solutions for stellar collapse
Pulsation regime of the thermonuclear explosion of a star's dense carbon core
Pumping of main line OH masers in the circumstellar envelopes of OH/Infrared stars