Optimizing polynomials for floating-point implementation
Orbital Evolution of Centaurs
Orbital evolution of distant artificial earth satellites
Orbital stability of planar oscillations of a satellite in a circular orbit
Orbital tests of relativistic gravity using artificial satellites
Orbital uncertainties of single-apparition asteroids
Orbits near the particle resonance of a galaxy. I - Numerical study
Oscillating universe - The periodic redshift distribution of galaxies with a scale 128/h megaparsecs at the galactic poles
Oscillation-convection coupling: Cause of supergranulation
Oscillations of an isotropic relativistic plasma
Oscillator strength measurements in the vacuum-ultraviolet. 5: Neutral oxygen lines in the 950-1200 A range
Oscillator strengths for Fe II transitions at 224.918 and 226.008 nanometers
OSSE observations of GX 339-4