Modeling the Degradation of Small Lunar Impact Craters: an Example Using a DEM (Digital Elevation Model)
Modeling the Earth's magnetospheric magnetic field confined within a realistic magnetopause
Modeling the Non-linear Viscoelastic Response of High Temperature Polyimides
Modeling whistler wave generation regimes in magnetospheric cyclotron maser
Modelling of the effect of current-carrying jets on the temperature of an astrophysical surrounding
Modelling rotation curves -- the turbulent way
Models of angular momentum input to a circum-terrestrial swarm from encounters with heliocentric planetesimals
Models of the convective envelope of B-F stars
Models of the cosmological evolution of extragalactic radio sources. I - The 408-MHz source count
Modern Statistics by Kriging
Modification of the nebular environment in symbiotic systems due to colliding winds
Molecule formation and destruction processes in astrophysical environments
Moment-ration imaging of seismic regions for earthquake prediction
Motion of artificial satellites in the set of Eulerian redundant parameters. III
Multi-ion resonances in finite temperature plasma
Multi-objective Geometric Programming Problem With Weighted Mean Method
Multi-spacecraft coherent Doppler and ranging for interplanetary-navigation
Multicomponent diffusion and energy characteristics of partially ionized plasma in the ionosphere of a planet
Multicomponent models for the dynamic evolution of globular clusters
Multidimensional Particle Codes - Their Capabilities and Limitations