Cyclotron Modeling Phase-Resolved Infrared Spectroscopy of Polars III: AM Herculis and ST Leo Minoris
Cyclotron motion in a gravitational-wave background
Cyclotron radiation in astrophysics (Review)
Cyclotron radiation in UZ Fornacis (=EXO033319 - 2554.2) in a low state of accretion
Cyclotron Resonance as a Physical Mechanism of the Radio Eclipses in Binary Pulsars
Cyclotron Resonance Energies and Orbital Elements of Accretion Pulsar 4U 0115+63 During the Giant Outburst in 2008
Cyclotron resonance energies at a low X-ray luminosity: A0535+262 observed with Suzaku
Cyclotron resonant scattering and absorption
Cyclotron resonant scattering in the spectra of gamma-ray bursts
Cyclotron scattering lines in gamma-ray burst spectra
Cyclotron spectra from inhomogeneous accretion columns
Cyclotron spectra from inhomogeneous accretion columns. II - Polarization
Cyclotron Spectra in AM Her Systems
Cyclotron spectroscopy of HU Aquarii
Cyclotron spectroscopy of VV Puppis
Cyclotron spectrum from a dipole magnetic field accretion column
Cyclotron versus free-free emission from the intermediate polar RX J1712.6-2414.
Cyclotron waves in the solar wind
Cyclotron-annihilation imprints of magnetized vacuum in MeV emission from neutron stars
Cyclotron-Synchrotron: harmonic fitting functions in the non-relativistic and trans-relativistic regimes