O 7774 A diagnostic for quiescent prominences
O and Mg abundances in metal-poor halo stars and their implications for stellar Fe yields
O and Na abundance patterns in open clusters of the Galactic disk
O and Ne K absorption edge structures and interstellar abundance towards Cyg X-2
O and Wolf-Rayet Stars as X-Ray Sources
O and α-Element Abundances in Metal-Poor Stars
O I 8446 A emission in Seyfert 1 galaxies
O i and H i Emissions from the Upper Atmosphere of Venus
O I lines in the sun and stars. I - Understanding the resonance lines
O II Recombination Lines and Temperature Fluctuations in m8 and M17
O III - Intercombination and forbidden lines
O III line ratios in the sun
O Iiject{HD 152248}: Evidence for a colliding wind interaction
O Line Digital Correlation of Photon Counting TV Images for Stellar Interferometry
O star giant bubbles in M33
O stars effective temperature and HII regions ionization parameter gradients in the Galaxy
O stars He II and H lines in the 1 micron region
O stars with weak winds: the Galactic case
O Stars, WR Stars, and Emission-Line Central Stars of Planetary Nebulae.
O the Falsity of Certain Conclusions Commonly Drawn from Applying Bell's Theorem to Physics Experiments