4-1 - 30 E methonal emission in G1.6-0.025
4-8μ Spectrophotometric Observations of NGC 7027 and M82
4-D homogeneous isotropic cosmological models generated by the 5-D vacuum
4-Dimensional BF Theory as a Topological Quantum Field Theory
4-Dimensional Einstein Theory Extended by a 3-Dimensional Chern-Simons Term
4-Dimensional General Relativity from the instrinsic spatial geometry of SO(3) Yang--Mills theory
4-Dimensional Kaluza-Klein Approach to General Relativity in the (2,2)-Splitting of Spacetimes
4-Dimensional optics, an alternative to relativity
4-dimensional Spin-foam Model with Quantum Lorentz Group
4-Velocity distribution function using Maxwell-Boltzmann's original approach and a new form of the relativistic equation of state
4-Year COBE DMR Cosmic Microwave Background Observations: Maps and Basic Results
4. Clusters of Galaxies
4.7-micron spectroscopy of NGC 1068 in search of absorption by gaseous CO in the molecular torus
4.8 20 micron imaging of orion BN/KL: luminosity sources and the role of IRc2
4.8-SECOND Pulsed X-Rays from Centaurus X-3 at Energy Greater than 7 KEV
40 Years of Pulsars: The Birth and Evolution of Isolated Radio Pulsars
408 MHz observations of clusters of galaxies. II - The Coma and Perseus superclusters
4098 galaxy clusters to z~0.6 in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey equatorial Stripe 82
41 Sextantis A - Prototype of a new class among AM stars
41Ca in Circumstellar Graphite from Supernovae