Y Cam: an eclipsing system with a Delta Scuti primary.
Y Cygni.
Y Leonis: light curve solution revised and search for photometric variations of the primary minima
Yakutsk Institute's cosmic ray research facility
Yamabe flow, conformal gravity and spacetime foam
Yang's gravitational theory
Yang--Mills Configurations from 3D Riemann--Cartan Geometry
Yang-Mills analogues of the Immirzi ambiguity
Yang-Mills condensate dark energy coupled with matter and radiation
Yang-Mills formulation of gravitational dynamics.
Yang-Mills Gravity in Flat Space-Time, I. Classical Gravity with Translation Gauge Symmetry
Yang-Mills Gravity in Flat Space-time, II. Gravitational Radiations and Lee-Yang Force for Accelerated Cosmic Expansion
Yang-Mills Inspired Solutions for General Relativity
Yarkovsky Effect
Yarkovsky effect on a body with variable albedo
Year 3 LUNAR Annual Report to the NASA Lunar Science Institute
Year-scale morphological variation of the X-ray Crab Nebula
Yearbook of the Royal Belgian Astronomical Observatory, 1975
Yearly and seasonal variations of low albedo surfaces on Mars in the OMEGA/MEx dataset: Constraints on aerosols properties and dust deposits