R & D for Future Zeplin
R 127 - an S DOR type variable intermediate between Of and WN
R 136 - Supermassive star or dense core of a star cluster?
R 40: The first luminous blue variable in the Small Magellanic Cloud
R 66(Aeq) - an LMC B supergiant with a massive cool and dusty wind
R 81 - P Cygni of the LMC
R Aquarii spectra revisited by SUMA
R Coronae Borealis at the 2003 Light Minimum
R Coronae Borealis dust ejections - A preferred plane?
R Coronae Borealis Stars
R Coronae borealis stars and their relation to [WC] nebulae
R Coronae Borealis Stars at Minimum Light -- UW Cen
R Coronae Borealis Stars formed from Double White Dwarf Mergers
R Coronae Borealis stars in the Galactic Bulge discovered by EROS-2
R coronae borealis variables: A review of observational data
R CrA SMM1A: Fragmentation in A Prestellar Core
R CrB Candidates in the Small Magellanic Cloud: Observations of Cold, Featureless Dust with the Spitzer Infrared Spectrograph
R exp 1/4 models of cluster X-ray sources
R fluids
R light curves of 5 blazars (Bychkova+, 2004)