CVcat: an interactive database on cataclysmic variables
CVs astrophysics with astronomical plate archives
CX Draconis - The orbit parameters for both components
CXOM31 J004253.1+411422: The first ultra-luminous X-ray transient in M 31
CXOU J121538.2+361921 in the galaxy NGC 4214: a double neutron star in the making?
Cy 2201-3201: An Edge-on Spiral Gravitational Lens
Cyanoacetylene and cyanodiacetylene in interstellar clouds
Cyanoacetylene in IC 342: An Evolving Dense Gas Component with Starburst Age
Cyanoacetylene in the SGR A molecular clouds
Cyanogen radiance/column-density ratio for comets calculated from the Swings effect
Cyanogen strengths and ultraviolet excesses of evolved stars in 17 globular clusters from DDO photometry.
Cyanogen strengths of globular cluster post-main-sequence stars
Cyanogen Strengths, Luminosities, and Kinematics of K Giant Stars
Cyanogen strengths, mixing and supermetallicity in G and K giants
Cyanogen-Band Strengths of Giant Stars in 47 Tucanae
Cyanopolyyne absorption in the direction of Cassiopeia A
Cyanopolyyne Chemistry in TMC-1
Cyanopolyynes and sulphur bearing species in hot cores: Chemical and line excitation models
Cyber-infrastructure to Support Science and Data Management for the Dark Energy Survey
Cycle 19 facula dynamics. I. Angular rotation