New Worlds Occulter performance: a first look
NGC 6826: a unified study of the planetary nebula and its central stars
NGST OTA optical metrology instrumentation and conceptual approaches
NGST's Scientist's Expert Assistant: evaluation results
Nighttime cloud properties retrieval using MODIS and artificial neural networks
NIST facility for spectral calibration of detectors: calibration of arsenic-doped silicon-blocked impurity band detectors
NLTE Line-blanketed Model Atmosphere Analysis of the hot Subdwarf BD +75° 325
NLTE Radiative Transfer in Red Supergiant Atmospheres
Noise Invalidation Denoising
Non-Euclidean statistical analysis of covariance matrices and diffusion tensors
Non-Gaussian Quasi Maximum Likelihood Estimation of GARCH Models
Non-Regular Likelihood Inference for Seasonally Persistent Processes
Non-Restarting CUSUM charts and Control of the False Discovery Rate
Nonasymptotic bounds on the estimation error for regenerative MCMC algorithms
Nonasymptotic bounds on the estimation error of MCMC algorithms
Nonlinear aspects of data integration for land-cover classification in a neural network environment
Nonlinear Principal Components and Long-run Implications of Multivariate Diffusions
Nonlinear Time Series Analysis in the Absence of Strong Harmonics
Nonmigrating tides in the thermosphere of Mars: a quasi-empirical description
Nonmodal Linear Theory for Space Plasmas