Q- and A-learning Methods for Estimating Optimal Dynamic Treatment Regimes
QR-Adjustment for Clustering Tests Based on Nearest Neighbor Contingency Tables
Quality assessment for short oligonucleotide microarray data
Quality management in the GTC project
Quantifying social group evolution
Quantifying the Fraction of Missing Information for Hypothesis Testing in Statistical and Genetic Studies
Quantifying Variations In Multi-parameter Models With The Photon Clean Method (PCM) And Bootstrap Methods
Quantile and Probability Curves Without Crossing
Quantile Based Variable Mining : Detection, FDR based Extraction and Interpretation
Quantile Estimation of A general Single-Index Model
Quantile Regression with Censoring and Endogeneity
Quantitative Integrated Evaluation in the Mars Basin, Gulf of Mexico
Quantitative Rock Analysis by Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy at the Surface of Mars
Quasi-concave density estimation
Quasi-conjugate Bayes estimates for GPD parameters and application to heavy tails modelling