Caging mechanisms for the Mars Exploration Rover instrument deployment device
Calculations of Sobol indices for the Gaussian process metamodel
Calibrated Bayes, for Statistics in General, and Missing Data in Particular
Calibration pipeline of VIS-NIR imaging spectrometers for planetary exploration: The rosetta VIRTIS-M case
Can the United States afford a lunar base
Case-control studies for rare diseases: improved estimation of several risks and of feature dependences
Cathodoluminescence and Its Application for Biosignature Analysis of Mn-containing Biogenic Minerals: A Review
Causality and Association: The Statistical and Legal Approaches
Causality as a unifying approach between activation and connectivity analysis of fMRI data
Causes of atmospheric temperature change 1960-2000: A combined attribution analysis
Causes of sudden, short-term changes in ice-stream surface elevation
CDF and Survival Function Estimation with Infinite-Order Kernels
Celebrating 70: An Interview with Don Berry
Censoring Outdegree Compromises Inferences of Social Network Peer Effects and Autocorrelation
Central stable/unstable manifolds and the destruction of KAM tori in the planar Hill problem
CH4/N2/H2-spark hydrophobic tholins: A systematic approach to the characterisation of tholins. Part II
Chain graph models of multivariate regression type for categorical data
Chandra Orion Ultradeep Project: Observations and Source Lists
Changes in fluid geochemistry and physico-chemical conditions of geothermal systems caused by magmatic input: The recent abrupt outgassing off the island of Panarea (Aeolian Islands, Italy)
Changes Of The Solar Acoustic High-degree Mode Frequencies Over The Solar Cycle