Data analysis environment (DASH2000) for the Subaru telescope
Data Analysis Through Segmentation: Bayesian Blocks and Beyond
Data Assimilation for Dynamo Modeling and Solar Cycle Prediction
Data augmentation for non-Gaussian regression models using variance-mean mixtures
Data Fusion for Gamma-Ray Burst Population Studies
Dated ancestral trees from binary trait data and its application to the diversification of languages
Debris evolution in the EVOLVE model: application to DSMC modelling
Debris flows or lava flows on Mars? Shapes of terrestrial counterparts may help identify flows imaged in upcoming mission
Decadal growth of black carbon emissions in India
Decentralized Sequential Hypothesis Testing using Asynchronous Communication
Decoding the H-likelihood
Decomposition and Model Selection for Large Contingency Tables
Deconvolution of mixing time series on a graph
Deducing turbulence parameters from transionospheric scintillation measurements
Deep determinism and the assessment of mechanistic interaction between categorical and continuous variables
Deep HST Imaging in 47 Tuc and NGC 6397: Discovery of Dwarf Novae from the Cluster Core Data
Default Bayesian analysis for multi-way tables: a data-augmentation approach
Defining a robust biological prior from Pathway Analysis to drive Network Inference
Definition of a new level-one test case - measurements of equilibrium radiation from an inductively coupled plasma in the near-UV to near-IR spectral region for a martian-type CO2-N2 mixture
Delayed rejection schemes for efficient Markov-Chain Monte-Carlo sampling of multimodal distributions