Ultrahigh dimensional variable selection: beyond the linear model
Ultraviolet-imaging spectroscopy of dust in the interstellar medium
Uncertainties in the Star-Count Analysis
Uncertainty Reasoning in Astronomy--Applications to Classification and Optimal Telescope Scheduling
Uncovering shared common genetic risk factors for various aspects of complex disorders captured in multiple traits
Undercomplete Blind Subspace Deconvolution via Linear Prediction
Understanding the Origin of Bright Features
Understanding the Physics of Sequential Chromospheric Brightenings of the Sun Through Automated Recognition
Understanding the Red Sea response to sea level
Unfolding the relation between global temperature and ENSO
Unifying the Quasar, Black Hole, Interacting Galaxy, and Spheroid Populations through Galaxy Mergers
Unsupervised bayesian convex deconvolution based on a field with an explicit partition function
Unsupervised Classification for Tiling Arrays: ChIP-chip and Transcriptome
Up-and-Down and the Percentile-Finding Problem
Update and image quality error budget for the LSST camera optical design
Updating Probabilities: A Complex Agent Based Example
Updating Probabilities: An Econometric Example
Use of high-level design languages and reconfigurable devices to produce a flexible generic hardware-in-the-loop facility
Use of TOMS data to correct the saharan dust effects on SST retrievals from satellite