A mechanism for bursty radio emission in planetary magnetospheres
A mechanism for sediment resuspension by internal solitary waves
A Mechanism for the Flux Cancellation Caused by Emerging Magnetic U-Loops in the Sun
A mechanism of particle acceleration in astrophysical magnetospheres
A method for the intensification of atomic oxygen green line emission by internal gravity waves
A Microsatellite Heliospheric Imaging Network for Science and Space Weather
A microscopic instability in neutral magnetized plasmas
A mixed magnetohydrodynamic-kinetic theory of low-frequency waves and instabilities in homogeneous, gyrotropic plasmas
A mixed magnetohydrodynamic-kinetic theory of low-frequency waves and instabilities in stratified, gyrotropic, two-component plasmas
A model equation for monochromatic standing Alfven waves in the axially-symmetric magnetosphere
A model for a plasma ball
A model for a stable coronal loop
A model for accelerated density enhancements emerging from coronal streamers in Large-Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph observations
A Model for Energetic Electron Transport due to Ultra-Low-Frequency Waves in the Radiation Belts
A Model for Generating Relativistic Electrons in the Earth's Inner Magnetosphere Based on Gyroresonant Wave-Particle Interactions
A model for pickup ion transport in the heliosphere in the limit of uniform hemispheric distributions
A Model for Spontaneous Onset of Fast Magnetic Reconnection
A model for the condensation of a dusty plasma
A model for the reversal of the toroidal rotation in tokamak
A model for the simulation of nonequilibrium line transfer in laboratory plasmas