Two-dimensional particle simulation of a perpendicular shock with a shock rest frame model
Two-dimensional particle simulation of electromagnetic field signature associated with electrostatic solitary waves
Two-dimensional PIC-MCC simulations of capacitively coupled radio-frequency discharge in methane
Two-dimensional ring-like vortex and multisoliton nonlinear structures at the upper-hybrid resonance
Two-dimensional saturation of broadband electron acoustic waves in the foreshock region
Two-dimensional simulation of the gravitational system dynamics and formation of the large-scale structure of the universe
Two-dimensional simulations of a curved shock: Self-consistent formation of the electron foreshock
Two-dimensional simulations of ion anisotropy instabilities in the magnetosheath
Two-dimensional simulations of magnetic pulsations upstream of the Earth's bow shock
Two-dimensional simulations of nonlinear beam-plasma interaction in isotropic and magnetized plasmas
Two-dimensional structure of the co-planar and non-coplanar magnetopause during reconnection
Two-dimensional turbulence in magnetised plasmas
Two-Dimensionally Isolated Potential Structure in Foot Region of Quasi-Perpendicular Shocks
Two-fluid magnetic island dynamics in slab geometry: I - Isolated islands
Two-fluid magnetic island dynamics in slab geometry: II - Islands interacting with resistive walls or static external resonant magnetic perturbations
Two-fluid relativistic waves and free electron lasers in pulsar plasmas
Two-fluid theory of drift-kink instability in a one-dimensional neutral sheet
Two-fluid tokamak equilibria with reversed magnetic shear and sheared flow
Two-scale structure of the electron dissipation region during collisionless magnetic reconnection
Two-spacecraft observations of an interplanetary slow shock