On over-reflexion
On phase space density radial gradients of Earth's outer-belt electrons prior to sudden solar wind pressure enhancements: Results from distinctive events and a superposed epoch analysis
On radial evolution of stochastic acceleration in a dissipative solar wind turbulence with spatially distributed sources
On radial geodesic forcing of zonal modes
On resistive magnetohydrodynamic equilibria of an axisymmetric toroidal plasma with flow
On rotation of multi-species plasmas in toroidal systems
On runaway breakdown and upward propagating discharges
On shear flow stabilization concepts for the dense z pinch
On SKR and Saturn Auroras Relationship
On slowly evolving Grad-Shafranov equilibria
On some generalized stopping power sum rules
On some peculiarities of electric field pulse propagation in electron Maxwellian plasma and its back response
On some recent results about inertial manifolds and kinematic dynamos
On spectral scaling laws for incompressible anisotropic MHD turbulence
On supercharging: Electrostatic aspects
On tether-cutting reconnection in sheared coronal arcades
On the "mystery" of differential negative resistance
On the 'projective' magnetohydrodynamics
On the acceleration of positive ions by high-latitude, large-amplitude electric field fluctuations
On the accuracy of simulation of magnetohydrodynamic turbulence and magnetic reconnection