On Inferring Reformation of the Quasi-Perpendicular Bow Shock by Multi-Spacecraft Data
On kinetic description of electromagnetic processes in a quantum plasma
On Lerche's relativistic theory of Poynting's theorem for moving media
On linear coupling of acoustic and cyclotron waves in plasma flows
On Low Energy Electron Spikes Associated with Saturn's Moon Enceladus
On low-altitude particle acceleration and intense electric fields and their relationship to black aurora
On magnetic reconnection regimes and associated three-dimensional asymmetries: Hybrid, Hall-less hybrid, and Hall-MHD simulations
On MHD stability of gravitating plasmas with field aligned flows
On microinstabilities in the foot of high Mach number perpendicular shocks
On microscopic stress nonequilibrium - Application to the magnetopause
On negative streamers: a deterministic approach
On non existence of tokamak equilibria with purely poloidal flow
On non-linear excitation of voids in dusty plasmas
On nonideal MHD properties of the partially ionized interstellar gas
On nonlinear Alfvén-cyclotron waves in multi-species plasma
On nonlinear circularly polarized Alfven waves
On nonlinear decay of kinetic Alfvén waves and application to some processes in space plasmas
On O-X mode conversion in 2D inhomogeneous plasma with a sheared magnetic field
On O-X mode conversion in a cold magnetized 2D inhomogeneous plasma in the electron cyclotron frequency range
On origin of outshifted plasma lines during HF modification experiments