Oscillation Conditions of the Vircator Klystron with External Delayed Feedback: A Computer Simulation
Oscillation modes of dc microdischarges with parallel-plate geometry
Oscillation of electron counts at 500 eV downstream of the quasi-perpendicular bow shock
Oscillation Spectrum of a Magnetized Strongly Coupled One-Component-Plasma
Oscillations in DC driven "barrier" discharges: numerical solutions, stability analysis and phase diagram
Oscillations of a System of Coupled Oscillators with a Virtod-Type Virtual Cathode
Oscillator strengths in the boron isoelectronic sequence
Oscillatory disintegration of a trans-Alfvenic shock: A magnetohydrodynamic simulation
Oscillatory nonlinear electron flow in a Pierce diode using Lagrange transform
Out-of-equilibrium mean-field dynamics of a model for wave-particle interaction
Outer atmosphere and wake of space objects, kinetic simulation. Disturbances of ambient magnetoplasma due to diffuse reflecting bodies in motion
Outer zone relativistic electron acceleration associated with substorm-enhanced whistler mode chorus
Outflow of He+ from the polar ionosphere: Comparison of hydrodynamic and kinetic descriptions
Outlying plasmasphere structure detected by whistlers
Outstanding Issues and Future Directions of Inner Magnetospheric Research (Invited)
Outstanding Scientific Problems on the Earth's Radiation Belts (Invited)
Over-reflection of magnetoacoustic ion-cyclotron plasma waves
Overcoming the Child Langmuir law via Pondermotive Potential of the intense lasers
Overstable slow-gravity modes in a thermally conducting MHD plasma-slab
Overview of Cassini CAPS observations of thermal plasma in Saturn’s magnetosphere (Invited)